The Castle is under the protection of the Clan Mackenzie Charitable Trust, the CMCT, a registered charity created in 1990
The CMCT is an educational buildings trust that cares for the fabric of the building and encourages visitors to come and learn about Scotland’s history and heritage.
It is an ongoing job to repair and restore this historic grade A- listed building which is of national and international importance.
Castle Leod was re-roofed in 1991 after the roof failed, this had allowed water to damage the upper floors of the old tower. The roof was replaced and since then we have managed to do more repairs and improvements as well as creating a new visitor area and exhibits .
The next stage is to continue with the restoration of the upper floors of the old tower and create a small letting apartment on the lower level.
When completed this scheme will give the Castle more income that will secure its future and also keep it aired and fired..
Castle Leod and its grounds are open to the public for 25+days a year and we do private tours and weddings
At present there is access to the first and ground floors of the tower but we hope to gradually extend this as the restoration progresses.
Our public rooms have the intimacy and charm of a family home.
Castle Leod is a grand old lady, a landmark worthy of saving and is a great asset and attraction for the local community and economy and is here for visitors to enjoy and support.
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